
April 1, 2019
We all know that causing someone else loss either negligently or intentionally lays us open to being sued for damages. What is less well known – and in this case ignorance is extremely dangerous – is that animal owners can be held liable for loss or damage caused by their animals on a “no fault”...
Disputes with neighbours take many forms, and they can quickly escalate into costly and expensive litigation. So nipping them in the bud will always be first prize, and when it comes to fights over construction activity – whether it be a whole new building or additions/alterations – a good place to start is with municipal...
Government has “cried wolf” on the AARTO demerit system so many times now that many of us have lost sight of just how seriously it will affect us when it finally comes into force. Now the wheels of implementation are turning – fast. It’s time to prepare! The fact is that every motorist, every vehicle...
Access to Justice can be a costly and complicated affair, leading government to provide an alternative to our mainstream courts. The idea is to help you resolve disputes in a “speedy, affordable and simple manner” using our Small Claims Court system. Who can use the Small Claims Court? Who can you sue? What sorts of...

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Contact us

12 Montrose Park Boulevard
Victoria Country Club Estate
Office Park
170 Peter Brown Drive, Montrose
Pietermaritzburg, 3201

T:  +27 33 341 9100
F:  +27 33 394 3005