
Fiduciary Services
As attorneys winding up deceased estates we often come across these issues all too often which is yet another reason why it is so important to ensure your Will is up to date. I was recently asked by a client to advise on the legal consequences of his “common law marriage”. His “wife” of 15 years...
Historic Judgment favours black women married in apartheid era A recent decision of the Durban High Court has made a ground-breaking judgment for black marriages concluded before 1988, ruling that all marriages prior to this date will automatically be recognized and declared as marriages in community of property. The former Black Administration Act (‘the Act’),...
Life Partnerships not legal in SA Thato Mokone PGPS Law
Life Partnerships, sometimes referred to as common law marriages, are not recognized as a legal relationship by South African law. These types of relationships involve the same sentimental ideas as a marriage would have, however they do not share the same legal consequences. Life partnerships usually refer to people who, regardless of gender, live together...

Electronic services

Contact us

12 Montrose Park Boulevard
Victoria Country Club Estate
Office Park
170 Peter Brown Drive, Montrose
Pietermaritzburg, 3201

T:  +27 33 341 9100
F:  +27 33 394 3005
E:  info@lhtc.co.za