
August 19, 2024
Sour Grapes? Don’t Make Accusations Unless They’re True “I am disgraced, impeached, and baffled here, Pierced to the soul with slander’s venomed spear.” (William Shakespeare) Here’s another warning from our courts to think twice before publishing anything defamatory, even if you genuinely believe it to be true. To escape liability, you must show that you...
Divorce Assets
Divorce Diaries: Anti-Dissipation Orders in Action “Love is grand. Divorce is a hundred grand.” (Anon) In the boiler room that is the divorce court, it’s common to hear accusations and counter-accusations of one spouse disposing of or concealing marital assets to hide them from the other spouse. The good news is that our law provides...
Sick Leave Season
It’s Sick Leave Season – Can You Reject a Dodgy Doctor’s Sick Note? “Many people including workers in South Africa do not have the wherewithal to determine between a qualified doctor, an unqualified doctor and one who is operating illegally. That is why there are regulatory and law enforcement bodies to whom suspicious practices by...
Home Owners Association Rules
The Garage Door That Had the Complex Up in Arms “Good fences make good neighbours.” (Robert Frost) When you buy into a community scheme (such as a security estate, complex or apartment block) you automatically become a member of its management body: either a Homeowners Association (“HOA”) if your property is full-title or freehold, or...

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12 Montrose Park Boulevard
Victoria Country Club Estate
Office Park
170 Peter Brown Drive, Montrose
Pietermaritzburg, 3201

T:  +27 33 341 9100
F:  +27 33 394 3005