
September 16, 2024
Divorce Law
Divorce and the New Three-Pot System: Another Risk To Manage “Divorce is the one human tragedy that reduces everything to cash.” (Rita Mae Brown) How will the new “Three-Pot Retirement System” (often referred to as a “Two-Pot System”) affect financial arrangements on divorce? Retirement savings can amount to a significant portion of a marriage’s assets,...
Property Law Bond Clause
Waiving the Bond Clause to Keep a Sale Alive: Risk Versus Reward “This sale agreement is no more! It has ceased to be! This is an EX-sale!” (With apologies to Monty Python) A “bond clause” – standard in most property sale agreements – typically provides that the whole sale depends on the buyer obtaining a...
Legally Record Conversations
When Can You Legally Record Conversations? “Big Brother is watching you.” (George Orwell) Your smartphone lets you record just about anything, anywhere, and at any time. Your laptop and other devices can automatically record online meetings. Technology enabling voice and/or video recording is all-pervasive, providing us all with a powerful tool for keeping accurate records,...
Sibling Showdown: How One Missing Word in a Will Divided a Family “From small mistakes come great catastrophes.” (Justin Cronin) We’ve all seen how even the smallest mistake can have huge consequences down the line. A recent High Court spat between siblings over a poorly-drafted will confirms once again that when it comes to important...

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12 Montrose Park Boulevard
Victoria Country Club Estate
Office Park
170 Peter Brown Drive, Montrose
Pietermaritzburg, 3201

T:  +27 33 341 9100
F:  +27 33 394 3005